1:20 scale sectional model of commercial building.

This is the third educational model we’ve made for the University of South Wales. As with the previous two projects in our Latest Projects section this is another example of a satisfied customer coming back to us with a new order. Aimed at students in the construction sector, the purpose of this model was to illustrate the major elements that make up a typical commercial office building, including foundations, steel work, cladding components and final external finishes. As you can see from the images this was a very technically complex project but the client knew from previous models we’d produced for him that we had the skill and understanding to deliver an extremely accurate, perfectly detailed demonstration model.

 White styled model showing detailed atrium interior










After commissioning the site model shown in the previous post, the client decided they also needed a larger scale model to illustrate the most exciting element of their proposed new design – the full height atrium that anchors the two main wings of the building. The larger scale means it is much easier to appreciate the dramatic space created by the atrium enclosure, which features viewing galleries, multi-level bridge links, and subtle layering of the internal elevations. To allow all round views through to the atrium, the main wings of the building were modelled as cut-way sections. This also helped emphasise that the central space was the main focus of the model.