Masterplan Model – Scale 1:1000

This model is essentially a 3D representation of the client’s colour coded masterplan for the redevelopment of a disused quarry site in the South of England. The local planning authorities requested the model so that they could get a clear understanding of how the new mixed use development would fit into the re-contoured landscape of the quarry. Even at 1:1000 scale (1mm equals 1 metre) we had to accurately model all the proposed new contours and levels across the site, including the old quarry cliff faces. The colour coded buildings indicate the proposed usage and maximum roof heights for each of the plots. The colours reflect those used on the original 2D masterplan but toned down to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance for the model.

Military Equipment Model "PURIBAD" Airborne Delivery System – Scale 1:10

Platform, Universal, Rigid Inflatable Boat, Airborne Delivery... is what it stands for, in case you were wondering. The name is an acronym for a platform specially designed for air dropping ready-to-go speedboats (or RIBs) into the sea. The system literally launches itself out of the back of a plane, separates from the boat, deploys parachutes and lands both platform and RIB safely into the water. The platform can be recovered for further use or sunk for covert operations. Having explained what it is now I can tell you a bit about the model. It’s at 1:10 scale (10cm equals 1 metre) and was commissioned as a demonstration tool for use at exhibitions. The client needed all the working components to be accurately modelled (hooks, straps, spring release clips, etc) so that he could explain the simplicity of the design and what made it such a reliable, proven system. It was a challenging project because of the high level of detail required and the wide variety of model making techniques needed to make all the model components. We were very pleased with the final result though and hopefully you can appreciate the quality of the model from the photographs.



Industrial Model of Container Tilter – Scale 1:10

The client for this project needed a working model to demonstrate the unique benefits of their product, a machine to increase the efficiency of container loading. Previously they’d had to ship the real thing to exhibitions at great expense but the working model offered a much more practical solution. Accurately detailed with all the machine’s time saving features fully operational, the model allowed the client to quickly and clearly demonstrate exactly how his product worked. The model’s first trip was to America but with plans for it to travel to many different international venues, we also designed and built a flight case that would protect it in transit and then convert on site into a neat plinth to display the model on.



Food Training Models

This set of five unusual models were commissioned by a college as training aids for teaching about food hygiene and preparation. Essentially the models are three dimensional graphic devices to help give students a better understanding of the composition of different food products. The client was so pleased with the models I have added her complimentary comments to our “Testimonials” page.



Bed for Pica sufferer

We were commissioned to design and build a bed suitable for a child with learning disabilities and afflicted by Pica, an unfortunate condition which compels sufferers to attempt to eat non nutritional objects other than food. The particular problem in this instance was this child’s compulsion to bite and gnaw at her wooden bed frame in the night. Our solution was to create a frame with rounded edges using UPVC tubing with a radius that prevented the child from being able to actually bite. The overhanging frame work also prevented the child pulling up and chewing at the edges of the specially purchased mattress.